10 Tips to outwit your fate concerning love
This is not an exact translation of what I wrote, but I did my best to translate the core of my recent blogpost about love and fate.
1. Before you can harvest luck, you will have to saw it out.
2. When you meet you luck, grab it by the scruff of its neck.
3. Learn all about self-fulfilling prophecies.
4. Always try to live in the here and now.
5. Trust in your and other people´s future.
6. Communicate with as many people as possible.
7. Don´t flock with negative thinkers – avoid them.
8. Always be self-conscious and try to monitor how other people behave when you show up.
9. Prepare to enjoy every possible romantic situation, where you get roped into.
10. Consider to move or change emotionally, even socially, when Mr. or Ms. Right shows up.
Any suggestions?