Ten important points about Matchmaking
Scientist claimed over years, that they found the “formula of love“ – but now, it is obvious that they don´t know anything about love as far as matchmaking is concerned.
Why can this be important to you? The German Liebepur Magazine specializes in Online-Dating, and this article is an extract of ten important points about today´s matchmaking in online dating. As English is not my first language, please forgive me some mistakes.
1. There are other criteria such a social background, humor, and conflict management in a successful marriage.
2. Nearly all psychological factors are outdated for couples. Some scientists even say that “psychological tests“ are useless for a happy marriage.
3. There are no “alternative processes“ in successful online matchmaking. Counting the clicks may be useful in online bookstores, but not in matchmaking.
4. Some scientists claim that they found new relevant conditions for a better relationship, which should be used in psychological tests. However, so far no one knows what these “relevant“ factors are.
5. It is shameless to claim that Matchmaking is bases on C.G. Jung or Sigmund Freud because they have never been engaged in Matchmaking.
6. The “Big Five“ or Myers-Briggs are not at all relevant for matchmaking, and to claim that they are, is nonsense.
7. The so called “more detailed“ test and algorithms some scientist claim to have found are nonsense, because it is proven, that you get to few matches with those algorithms – even mathematically.
8. The matching process is kept as a secret – but why? Maybe the secret is that it is based on onions, not on science.
9. But in fact, all selection criteria, whatever they are, may lead to fewer choices – so it may be far better to have 40 matches out of 10,000 members.
10. It is quite important that potential mates are “introduced“ in online matchmaking – maybe this is the most important point.
Do you want to discuss this article? Please contact me at the Barcelona Online Dating Summit.