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Single Map Europe: Bad for Men, Good for Young Women

Excite, the internet portal owned by IAC Search & Media, has just created a “Single Map“ showing most big cities in Europe and the chance to find a mate there. Just in short: Looking for a young girl (18 to 24) is easiest in Hamburg, as far as Germany is concerned. Other cities with a surplus of women within the young female population are Edinburgh, Prague and Warsaw and – surprisingly enough – Barcelona, Valencia, Granada und Seville in Spain.

Die Single-O-Matic Karte für Reisende in EuropaReisen Excite

As we already know from other sources, hunting for matching single women is not easy for young men between 25 and 34, because we have a surplus of men in nearly all European cities.

However, if you are a man and older than 48, the situation turns dramatically: The chances for men are far better at this age and above, especially in the UK, Sweden, and northern Italy.

All those facts are already well renowned. Our Magazine “Liebepur“ gathers and monitors the facts for years. However, many people prefer to live in dream words instead of facing the truth. So believe all those spin-doctors or believe “Liebepur“ – it is your choice.

There is a more detailed article about the European Singles Map in German.

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