This week in Dating – week 4/2009
True love may wait – and as a young lady in the US proves it may be worth waiting, because you can sell your virginity at an age of 22 for about 3.7 Mio USD (that´s tree point seven Million US-Dollars). If you can´t wait, it might be useful to date by mobile phone – it´s easy, because the girls are just sitting in bars and cafes, bored, and wait for your telephone call. So mobil phone dating is the future? I doubt it –except for some youngsters and – most probably – hookers.
I wrote about safer dating from an European point of view – revealing some secrets about dating: Meeting a married man is NOT the worst that can happen to you, and if the Girl turns out to be ugly, this is also NOT the worst that can happen to you. As far as I know, the most common crime at the moment, regarding ladies, is to take photos of them in the nude, or even during or after intercourse and put the photos in the web the next day, while men are tricked into sex traps. To escape can be very expensive, so to say.
Besides “equal or different“ in the German ladies Magazine EMOTION we had a survey by Elite Partner. So we learned that singles claim to be happy when they can share their lives with a partner. It´s nearly the same as you might say: “I would be happier if I had more money“. Once you earn more, you want more – and so on. I don´t believe that the singles in question will ever be happy with their opinions about happiness. Maybe Teenagers will be happier when they have their first romatic date.
Oh, by the way: next time you have a date, please don´t mention you are a virgin. I´m quite sure that you will not gain 3.7 Mio USD – most guys wouldn´t even pay you a bottle of Champaign to pick your flower.
See you next week with more news from Europe. If you are interested in cultur, virginty and marriage, you might be intested in „Kranzgeld“ as well.