This Week in Dating: Week 43
Well, I think we have to talk about berlin frirst, and the VENUS. You may think the sex fair has nothing in common with “dating“? We still do, as a German dating web site won an award – the “flirtpub“ – some sort of adult dating site – whatever. It has an ugly design, but maybe the girl inside are better – and hopefully, they will not charge to much money.
Talking about money may be necessary during dating – especially when you ask for the bill. In Mid-Europe, a man does not pay the bill for dinner at a blind date – except when you invite the lady – that´s a very common rule. But in a poll the online agency parship did, more then 50 percent oft the Austrian und German men wanted to pay – only the Swiss refused to do so.
To refuse may be good or not: Most married German women refuse to do any kind of adultery. Only 6 percent said that they had an escapade – well, believe it or not. Maybe they are just the better liars.
Oh, it is time to talk about people who never do it, before they have a “Christian Marriage“ – but they are not good at history or mathematics, I believe. So True Love waits Switzerland claimed that our “Grandmothers“ married with “clean white panties“ – as true virgins. So probably the “True Love Waits“ movement believes in fairy tells as well.
What we did? Ina Yanga, one of our “nom de plume“ authors, writes a lot about how much (if any) nude skin you are allowed to show on a photo in a profile, the we showed two naughty newspaper ads, and finally, we started our Christmas campaign – “don´t be nude Christmas angel – wear some clothing“. So in case you sell lingerie, you can still participate. Just call or write.
Yes, that´s all in week 43. If you wish to read „Tachles“ – hard to translate, but it is the „naked truth, not well told“ – about expectations. Have a nice weekend – and in case you have questions – well, just ask.
Are you looking for „This week in Sex“? It’s new – and it’s by the same author.