This Week: Those who do it and those who don´t
Great news fro everybody from the German women´s magazine “Freundin“: 95 percent of the Germany ladies do it (or better: might do it), even if they are not really emotionally engaged – in short: The will probably have sex without really loving their spouses or occasional lovers. If you come to Germany, please do not try – polls are polls, and the real life can be quite different from what polls say. I assure you – they are still picky – maybe not in polls, but elsewhere.
One of our dating Services, ElitePartner, found out that men do not like to dance –what a pity. Instead, men like to see women dancing which is also not new – I found something about it in a magazine published in 1914.
Well, more about Dating services? eHarmony tries to invade the United Kingdom and seem to be astonished that people are not that religious – I think they will wonder about other habits of the British as well – but let them find out by themselves. Whatever it is (may I mention Ms. Berkley?) , it is not breast size, which matters – so if your bra size is bigger then “D“ – please don´t date him, girl – he will not like that size for a relationship.
Germany has a new dating service, by the way: the newcomer, is competing with three major companies, parship, ElitePartner and be2. You will read more about the new service next week. The same day published thier press release, came out with “great news“ for Germany that a certain Ms. Helen Fisher found the ultimate partner test – and has it. I am quite certain, that Ms. Fisher knows a lot about life, couples and how to become famous in this world, but she is an US-American – and she doesn´t seem to know much about Europeans. By the way, she links neurotransmitters to personal characteristics . You may call this “science“ – I don´t.
Oh, I almost forgot something strange about dating – but it happened in the US – so have you ever heard about “mother and daughter lesbians“ dating other similar lesbians? You did not? Well, it´s a fairy tale to promote adult films – but very well hidden behind a so-called dating site.
All articles we link to are in German language – if you wish to refere to it, and can not find the English expression for a German word, just ask.