The Feminist Movement in a German Blog
There is a big difference between the German way to look at Women´s Liberation and the international point of view: while German woman understand Feminism as an ideology, most other western countries understand it as a good way to gain personal freedom.
You can see the difference in the international and the German Wikipedia.
This is international:
„Feminism has effected many changes in Western society, including women’s suffrage, broad employment for women at more equitable wages, the right to initiate divorce proceedings and the introduction of „no fault“ divorce, the right to obtain contraception and safe abortions, and access to university education … (and) and the right of women to make individual decisions regarding pregnancy (including access to contraceptives and abortion); and the right to own property.“
The German version is completely different and concentrates on the 1968 “revolution“, leaving out the more practical targets mentioned above.
In a series or articles, the writer of this blog tries to give several impressions of what really happened during the German “Frauenbewegung“ oft the 1970th – and tries to find out what happened since then.
His opinion in short: Women´s Liberation is still a challenge for both women and men – but as nearly all targets of the movement are fulfilled by now, it is up to our daughters and granddaughters to take it as a challenge.
Want to read mor in German? Start here.