Sex: British Survey Confuses German Press
A survey from a British University confused most German journalists: a certain Anne Campbell said she found out that more men enjoy one night stands then women do: the figures came out as 80 percent of men nejoaed the ONS, but “only“ 53 percent of the women. Surprisingly enough, the journalists wrote that “one half of all women suffered from the ONS, while nearly all men enjoyed it“.
Well, German journalist, listen: 80 percent is not “all“ and 47 percent of the women who said they did not “really enjoy“ the ONS is less then half of the women asked by Ms. Campbell.
Here at Liebepur, we did not find out why the Germans turned the “good 53 percent“ into a “bad half“ – but maybe the reason is just that some journalists tend to write what the readers want to hear: Don´t do any ONS – you will not be happy with it.