American Dating Rules? Not for Europe!
American dating rules are useless in Europe. This means, that most American authors and dating advisors or so called “pickup artists“ are useless for Europeans. Most European woman, for example, do not play games with telephone numbers and refuse to have a date because they want to “test“ the man calling.
Even if they are useless, many European authors read the books written in the US, and instead of regarding cultural differences, they just cut-and-paste what is in the American “How-To“ literature. It´s amazing, how often we find advice from pickup-artists telling us exactly, what an American woman would do – but our women do not even think of acting like Americans do.
Of course, not everything is useless – a woman is a woman and a man is a man, regardless of culture. But our women and men have their own pride, knowledge and self-esteem form our own culture – so Americans, please stay away with advice.