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Last Week (11) in Dating: Waiting for Spring

I am really sorry not to write my “last Week in dating“ for week 11. My only excuse is that I’m really busy – but there was not much to report as well – so its quiet here in Germany, as everybody is waiting for spring to come – an unfortunately, Spring did not arrive here so far. So please, be patient, folks.

The only thing I have to mention is an article for a blog parade – rather unsuccessful, I presume. The thing is, that people still spend a lot of money for useless things like wedding ceremonies with hundreds of guests and bridal gowns you can wear only once. If this is the idea to start a life in harmony – forget about it.

By the way – female chimpanzees found a better way to make a good living than Swedish hookers: while the chimpanzees take the “money“ first and decides later about allowing intercourse in return or not, the Swedish hookers face a dilemma: if they take the money first, there is a risk they loose the customer because he might be caught by the police (ít is forbidden to pay for sex in Sweden) – but if they try to take it afterwards, the customer might refuse to pay, because he may not be satisfied. So women, learn from the chimpanzees and take whatever a man offers. Who said you promised something?

Well, just a joke – in real, take care of yourself and do what your heart tells you. Do you want to read the „last week in Dating in German? Well, here it is.

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